The Revelation … Ted Mort … June 13, 2021

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Of Jesus Christ (Rev. 1) … Ted Mort … June 20, 2021

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Dear Church (Rev. 2-3) … Ted Mort … June 27, 2021

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Heaven Opened (Rev. 4-5) … Ted Mort … July 11, 2021

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Puzzle Pieces … Ted Mort … July 25, 2021

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Who Can Stand? (Rev. 6) … Ted Mort … Aug. 1, 2021

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Sealed & Delivered (Rev. 7) … Ted Mort … Aug. 8, 2021

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Trumpet Blasts (Rev. 8-9) … Ted Mort … Aug. 15, 2021

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Witnesses (Rev. 10-11) … Ted Mort … Aug. 22, 2021

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Dragon Wars (Rev. 12) … Ted Mort … Sep. 5, 2021

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Beast Mode (Rev. 13) … Ted Mort … Sep. 12, 2021

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Eternal Realities (Rev. 14) … Ted Mort … Sep. 19, 2021

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Bowls of Judgment (Rev. 15-16) … Ted Mort … Sep. 26, 2021

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Babylon the Great (Rev. 17-18) … Ted Mort … Oct. 10, 2021

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The King is Coming (Rev. 19) … Ted Mort … Oct. 17, 2021

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The Millennium (Rev. 20) … Ted Mort … Oct. 24, 2021

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The Heavenly City (Rev. 21) … Ted Mort … Oct. 31, 2021

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Eternal Paradise (Rev. 21-22) … Ted Mort … Nov. 7, 2021

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Be Ready (Rev. 22) … Ted Mort … Nov. 14, 2021

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